Winner of the 2007 Sorel Medallion Award
for SSAATTBB acapella choir

El mar sus millares de olas—mece divino.
Oyendo a los mares amantes—mezo a mi niño.
El viento errabundo en la noche—mece los trigos.
Oyendo a los vientos amantes—mezo a mi niño.
Dios Padre sus miles de mundos—mece sin ruido.
Sintiendo su mano en la sombra—mezo a mi niño.
(Gabriela Mistral)
The divine sea rocks its endless waves.
Listening to the loving seas
I rock my child.
At night, the vagabond wind sways the wheat.
Listening to the loving winds
I rock my child.
The Heavenly Father silently rocks thousands of worlds.
Sensing His hand in the shadow,
I rock my child.
(Gabriela Mistral, translation by Maria Giachetti
in Gabriela Mistral: A Reader)
- YEAR: 2005
- TEXT: Gabriela Mistral
- DURATION: 5 minutes
- COMMISSIONED BY: Harmonia Chamber Choir, Boulder, CO
- THEMES: nature (wind/waves), motherhood (mother/child), spirituality
- PERFORMANCE SUGGESTIONS: Spanish and English texts, nature-themed concert
Now available on Navona Records

A new collection of choral pieces recorded by Grammy-winning chamber choir, THE CROSSING. The collection includes my pieces, “Meciendo” and two movements from “Holy Waters.”
To listen and purchase:
New York Times Review: 5 Classical Music Albums You Can Listen to Right Now
Dutch blog Nieuwe Noten: The Crossing – Ways You Went/Meciendo
Textura: The Crossing: Meciendo
Meciendo is the winner of the 2007 Sorel Medallion, an international choral competition sponsored by the Sorel Organization. Named in memory of pianist-prodigy, Claudette Sorel, the organization seeks to offer new opportunities for women musicians. As a part of the award, Kirchoff’s Meciendo, was performed at an October 9 concert sung by Voices of Ascension, a mixed chorus of 40 professional vocalists directed by Dennis Keene and based in New York City. The evening concert was held in Zankel Auditorium, one of three performing spaces within renowned Carnegie Hall.
The text of Meciendo, Spanish for “rocking,” is from a poem by the Chilean poet Gabriela Mistral. Against a background of flowing, rhythmic chants that evoke fields of wheat waving in the wind, a solo soprano voice raises a lyrical contrast as she reflects on rocking her child in her arms. Nine separate lines call and answer each other then meld into a single voice at the end.
Harmonia Chamber Choir
April 22, 2006
The Journey
Longmont, CO
Harmonia, April 23, 2006
The Academy
Boulder, CO
St. Martin’s Chamber Choir
December 17, 2006
Broomfield Auditorium
Broomfield, CO
St. Martin’s Chamber Choir
December 22, 2006
St. Elizabeth’s Church
Denver, CO
Metropolitan State College of Denver Concert Choir
March 5, 2007
Denver, CO
Voices of Ascension
October 9, 2007
Carnegie Hall
New York, NY
Metropolitan State College of Denver Concert Choir
January 25, 2008
Colorado Music Educators Association Conference
Colorado Springs, CO
Metropolitan State College of Denver Concert Choir
February 21, 2008
American Choral Directors Association Conference
Kansas City, MO
St. Martin’s Chamber Choir
December 19, 2008
St. John’s Episcopal Cathedral
Denver, CO
St. Martin’s Chamber Choir
December 20, 2008
First Congregational Church
Boulder, CO
St. Martin’s Chamber Choir
December 21, 2008
Augustana Lutheran Church
Denver, CO
Lamont Women’s Chorus
March 2, 2011
University of Denver
Denver, CO